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/Finland joined NATO(North Atlantic Treaty Organization).

Finland joined NATO(North Atlantic Treaty Organization).


Finland joined NATO(North Atlantic Treaty Organization).


Finland, as a country with strong economic strength and political stability in the Nordic region, its accession to NATO not only means that NATO's influence in the whole Europe and its surrounding areas will be further expanded, but also triggered a series of complex geopolitical considerations.


Finland borders Russia and its membership of NATO could be seen as a potential challenge to Russian security interests.


In addition, Finland's accession will also enhance NATO's military presence in the Baltic Sea region, further consolidating NATO's position in this strategic region. This could trigger Russian military activity in the Baltic region, raising tensions.


Therefore, Finland's NATO membership will inevitably affect the security situation in the whole Baltic Sea region, which requires careful treatment and response from all parties.


The development of international affairs is always complicated and changeable, and we need to remain vigilant and actively participate in order to ensure the sustainable development of a peaceful and stable international order.




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