
Diaper Raw Material Manufacturers
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The misconceptions make sanitary napkins unhygienic (One)


The misconceptions make sanitary napkins unhygienic (One)


Sanitary napkins left in the bathroom for a long time


Generally, sanitary napkins are made of non-woven fabric, which is fiber material. After being damp, the material deteriorates and bacteria are prone to invasion and reproduction. However, most bathrooms in China do not see sunlight all day long and are often damp, making it easy for mold to breed and contaminate sanitary napkins.


The unpacked sanitary napkins should be placed in a dry and clean environment and should not be used again after being damp.

Quanzhou Sinson Hygiene Products Technology Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of sanitary napkins’ raw materials. For more requirements, please consult us.

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